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The vibrant colors and intricate patterns of traditional Scottish tartans are not just visually striking but are also steeped in centuries of history and cultural significance. One of the most fascinating aspects of tartan production is the use of natural dyes. These dyes, derived from various plants, lichens, and other natural sources, provided the rich hues that have come to symbolize Scottish heritage. This blog post delves into the history and techniques of using natural dyes in the creation of traditional Scottish tartans.

The Origins of Natural Dyes in Tartan Production

The use of natural dyes in textile production is an ancient art that predates written history. In Scotland, the early Highlanders relied on the abundant natural resources in their environment to create dyes for their tartans. These natural dyes were not only used for coloring fabric but also for other purposes such as body paint and decoration.

Historical records from the 15th century provide some of the earliest references to the use of tartan. For example, entries in the accounts of John, Bishop of Glasgow, Treasurer to King James III, mention tartan fabric used to line garments and make accessories. The colors in these early tartans were derived from natural dyes, setting the foundation for a long tradition of natural dyeing techniques.

Common Natural Dyes and Their Sources

The natural landscape of Scotland is rich with plants and other materials that were used to produce a wide array of colors. Here are some of the most commonly used natural dyes in traditional Scottish tartans:

  • Black: Derived from the bark of alder trees (rîtes-fearna) or peat soot, providing a deep, rich black hue.
  • Blue: Sourced from blaeberries (bilberries) with alum, yielding a vibrant blue.
  • Brown: Created using the root of water avens (lus nan craobh-abhainn) or oak bark, producing a range of brown shades.
  • Green: Obtained from whin bark (gorse) or privet leaves, resulting in various green tones.
  • Yellow: Extracted from broom flowers (frasach), heather (fraoch), or the root of tormentil (lus na foithribh), offering bright yellows.
  • Red: Produced from madder root or alder bark, delivering strong red and maroon hues.
  • Purple: Made from heather flowers (fraoch dearg) or certain lichens, providing royal purples.

These natural sources were carefully harvested, processed, and combined with mordants like alum to fix the dyes to the wool fibers, ensuring the colors were vibrant and long-lasting.

The Dyeing Process

The process of dyeing wool for tartans involved several steps, each requiring skill and knowledge passed down through generations. The steps included:

  1. Harvesting: Collecting the natural materials at the right time of year was crucial. Plants had to be gathered when they were most potent, and lichens often needed specific conditions to thrive.
  2. Preparation: Preparing the dye involved crushing, boiling, and fermenting the materials to extract the color. This could take several days or even weeks, depending on the dye.
  3. Mordanting: Before dyeing, the wool was treated with a mordant, a substance that helps the dye bond to the fibers. Common mordants included alum, iron, and copper. The choice of mordant could also affect the final color.
  4. Dyeing: The wool was immersed in the dye bath, often multiple times, to achieve the desired shade. The dyeing process required careful temperature control and timing to ensure even coloring.
  5. Rinsing and Drying: After dyeing, the wool was thoroughly rinsed to remove any excess dye and then dried. The drying process had to be slow and controlled to avoid damaging the fibers.

The Cultural Significance of Tartan Colors

The colors in a tartan were not chosen at random but often held specific meanings and significance for the clan. For example:

  • Black and blue might signify loyalty and truth.
  • Green could represent the clan’s connection to the land and nature.
  • Red often symbolized bravery and warrior spirit.
  • Yellow might be used for distinction and wealth.

Each clan had its unique tartan patterns and color combinations, making tartan not just a fabric but a symbol of identity, heritage, and pride.

The Legacy of Natural Dyes

The tradition of using natural dyes continued for centuries until the advent of synthetic dyes in the 19th century. However, the art of natural dyeing has not been lost. Today, there is a resurgence of interest in natural dyes, driven by a desire for sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Many artisans and enthusiasts are rediscovering the beauty and depth of colors that natural dyes provide, continuing the legacy of their ancestors.


The use of natural dyes in traditional Scottish tartans is a beautiful example of how nature and culture intertwine. From the early Highlanders to modern-day artisans, the skill and knowledge involved in dyeing tartan with natural materials reflect a deep connection to the Scottish landscape and heritage. As we continue to appreciate and celebrate tartan, we also honor the natural resources and traditional practices that have colored the history of Scotland.

Adapted from: W. & A. K. Johnston, Limited. (n.d.). The Scottish clans and their tartans. Edinburgh and London: W. & A. K. Johnston, Limited.

The Stevenson family is renowned for its significant contributions to engineering, particularly in the realm of lighthouse construction. This legacy, rooted in the industrious spirit and innovative vision of multiple generations, has had a lasting impact on maritime safety and engineering practices. Their story is one of perseverance, ingenuity, and a deep commitment to public service.

Origins and Early Influences

The Stevenson engineering legacy began in the late 18th century with Thomas Smith, an entrepreneurial and skilled lamp-maker. In 1786, Smith was appointed as the engineer to the newly-formed Northern Lighthouse Board. This appointment marked the beginning of the Stevenson family’s involvement in lighthouse construction, a field that would come to define their professional lives for generations.

Smith’s innovative approach to lighthouse illumination, replacing primitive coal fires with oil lamps and reflectors, significantly improved the effectiveness of lighthouses. His dedication to enhancing maritime safety laid the groundwork for future generations of Stevensons to build upon. Smith’s work was characterized by a practical ingenuity that addressed the pressing needs of his time and set a high standard for his successors.

Robert Stevenson: The Pioneer

Thomas Smith’s stepson, Robert Stevenson, truly elevated the family’s engineering legacy. Born in 1772, Robert was initially destined for the ministry, but his interest in engineering, fostered by his stepfather, led him down a different path. By the age of nineteen, Robert was already superintending the construction of a lighthouse on the isle of Little Cumbrae.

Robert Stevenson’s contributions to lighthouse engineering were groundbreaking. He was involved in the design and construction of numerous lighthouses around Scotland, many of which are still standing today. His most famous work, the Bell Rock Lighthouse, completed in 1811, is an engineering marvel. Built on a submerged reef 11 miles off the coast, the Bell Rock Lighthouse stands as a testament to Robert’s ingenuity, perseverance, and meticulous planning.

Robert’s career was marked by relentless innovation and a profound understanding of both engineering principles and the natural environment. His lighthouses were designed to withstand the harshest conditions, and his pioneering use of materials and construction techniques set new benchmarks in the field. His work ensured that maritime navigation became significantly safer, reducing the incidence of shipwrecks and saving countless lives.

Continuing the Legacy: Alan, David, and Thomas Stevenson

Robert Stevenson’s three sons, Alan, David, and Thomas, followed in their father’s footsteps, each making their own mark on the field of lighthouse engineering.

  • Alan Stevenson: Known for his work on the Skerryvore Lighthouse, completed in 1844, which was one of the tallest and most powerful lighthouses of its time. Alan’s meticulous attention to detail and commitment to innovation were evident in the design and construction of this lighthouse, which remains a significant achievement in civil engineering.
  • David Stevenson: Along with his brother Thomas, David was responsible for the design and construction of over thirty lighthouses, contributing significantly to the safety of maritime navigation around Scotland. David’s work was characterized by a keen understanding of the technological advancements of his time and a dedication to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of lighthouse operations.
  • Thomas Stevenson: In addition to his engineering work, Thomas is notable for being the father of the famous author Robert Louis Stevenson. Thomas’s designs were characterized by their robustness and innovation, ensuring that the lighthouses could withstand the harshest maritime conditions. His contributions to the family legacy include not only his engineering feats but also his influence on his son’s literary career.

The Impact on Maritime Safety

The Stevensons’ contributions to lighthouse engineering cannot be overstated. Their work significantly improved the safety of maritime navigation, reducing the number of shipwrecks and saving countless lives. The lighthouses they designed were often situated in remote and perilous locations, where their presence was crucial for guiding ships safely through treacherous waters.

The family’s meticulous approach to construction, their innovative use of materials, and their commitment to maintenance and improvement set new standards in lighthouse engineering. Their lighthouses were not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, blending seamlessly with the natural landscapes. This aesthetic consideration, combined with their engineering prowess, ensured that their lighthouses became iconic structures, celebrated for both their utility and their beauty.

Challenges and Triumphs

Building lighthouses in the 19th century was fraught with challenges. The Stevensons often had to work in inhospitable environments, facing harsh weather conditions, and navigating logistical difficulties. Their ability to overcome these challenges is a testament to their ingenuity and determination. For example, the construction of the Bell Rock Lighthouse involved innovative techniques such as the use of interlocking stone blocks to ensure stability against powerful sea waves.

Their work required not only technical skill but also a profound understanding of the natural forces at play. The Stevensons’ ability to combine scientific principles with practical application was a key factor in their success. Their lighthouses were engineered to withstand the test of time and the elements, many of them still standing and operational today.

A Legacy of Innovation and Dedication

The Stevenson engineers exemplify the spirit of innovation and dedication. Their work, spanning over a century, reflects a deep commitment to public service and a relentless pursuit of excellence. The principles they established in lighthouse design and construction have influenced engineering practices far beyond their field.

Moreover, the Stevenson family’s legacy extends into literature and culture through the works of Robert Louis Stevenson, whose writings often reflect the adventurous spirit and technical prowess of his forebears. The younger Stevenson’s novels, such as “Treasure Island” and “Kidnapped,” are imbued with the same sense of adventure and ingenuity that characterized his family’s engineering achievements.

Adapted From: Stevenson, R. L. (1912). Records of a family of engineers. Chatto & Windus.

In the storied history of the Scottish Highlands, the 1609 Bond of Manrent stands out as a pivotal document, reflecting the complex interplay of power, loyalty, and politics among the Highland clans. This bond, marking a significant moment in the relationship between the Macphersons and the Macintoshes, sheds light on the intricate dynamics within the Clan Chattan Confederation.

Historical Context: Clan Chattan and Its Factions

One of the most enduring and fierce feuds in Highland history was the centuries-old conflict between the Clan Cameron and the Chattan Confederation, led by Clan Mackintosh. This feud, which lasted for an astonishing 328 years, was marked by bloodshed, violence, and longstanding enmity.

To fully grasp the significance of the 1609 Bond of Manrent, one must delve into the history of the Clan Chattan Confederation. This alliance, a union of several Highland clans, was a formidable force in the region. The confederation, however, was not without its internal conflicts, particularly between its two prominent members: the Macphersons and the Macintoshes. These clans, each with its own storied heritage and claim to leadership, were often at odds, their rivalry shaping much of the confederation’s history.

The rivalry between the Macphersons and the Macintoshes went beyond mere disputes over land or authority; it was fundamentally about the legitimacy of leadership within the Clan Chattan Confederation. The Macphersons, known as Clan Mhuirich, boasted a lineage that they believed rightfully positioned them at the helm of the confederation. Meanwhile, the Macintoshes presented historical charters and documents that substantiated their claim to the chiefship, further intensifying the dispute.

The 1609 Bond of Manrent: A Concession Under Pressure

The backdrop of the 1609 Bond of Manrent was a Scotland undergoing significant political shifts. King James VI, intent on establishing order in the Highlands, pressured clan leaders to sign bonds that would ensure peace. It was within this context that the Macphersons, albeit reluctantly, acknowledged the Macintoshes as their chiefs through the Bond of Manrent. This act, while ostensibly a gesture of submission, was more accurately a reflection of the political realities and pressures exerted by the Scottish Crown.

The signing of the bond had far-reaching implications. For the Macintoshes, it was an official acknowledgment of their ascendancy within the Clan Chattan Confederation, bolstering their position and influence. For the Macphersons, this acknowledgment was a strategic concession, made with an understanding of the broader political climate and their own position within it.

The Enduring Feud and Historical Significance

Despite the formal acknowledgment in the bond, the rivalry between the Macphersons and the Macintoshes continued to simmer. In the ensuing years, the Macphersons repeatedly challenged the Macintoshes’ leadership, underscoring the deep-seated nature of their historical grievances. This ongoing feud is emblematic of the enduring complexities and intricacies of clan politics in the Scottish Highlands.

The 1609 Bond of Manrent is not merely a document of submission or acknowledgment; it is a window into the era’s political maneuvers and the Scottish Crown’s efforts to impose order in the Highlands. It exemplifies how external political forces could significantly influence internal clan dynamics, altering long-standing relationships and power structures.

The story of the Bond of Manrent, set against the backdrop of the Clan Chattan Confederation’s history, offers valuable insights into the nature of Scottish clan society. It reflects a time when allegiance and loyalty were constantly negotiated, and when political expediency often dictated the terms of these negotiations. The legacy of this bond, and the enduring rivalry it encapsulated, continues to resonate as a compelling chapter in the vast and intricate tapestry of Scottish clan history.


The 1609 Bond of Manrent, marking a significant moment in the history of the Macphersons and the Macintoshes, remains a testament to the complexities of Scottish clan politics. It highlights the struggles for power, identity, and autonomy that defined the Highland clans and underscores the impact of broader political forces on these ancient societies. The bond’s legacy, a blend of concession and resistance, continues to illustrate the rich and dynamic history of the Scottish Highlands.



National Clan Cameron Australia was well represented at the recent Celtic gathering at Glen Innes.

Despite the wet weather, with Sunday being a ‘wash-out’ a number of NCCA members gathered and enjoyed the fellowship and collegial time together.

This year celebrated the Year of Ireland & the Isle of Mann, but all those of Celtic origin gathered together, with the usual large contingent of those with Scottish heritage in attendance.

Next year’s festival will be held 1-4 May 2025 and will celebrate the Year of Brittany, Cornwall and Wales. Again, a strong contingent of Scots will also be present celebrating their origins and culture among the Standing Stones and surrounds of Glen Innes.



















Few figures loom as large as the Earl of Huntly. His influence and power in the North of Scotland were such that he was often referred to as “the goodman of the North,” a title that underscored his near-sovereign authority in the region. The Earl of Huntly’s story is one of political cunning, territorial dominion, and a masterful balancing act in the shifting sands of Scottish feudal politics.

The influence of the Gordon’s on Clan Cameron is well documented, with many records relating to the Camerons of Lochaber held in the private records  of the Lordship of Lochaber in the Gordon papers in the National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh.

Lochiel was forced to acknowledge Lord Gordon’s rights of superiority of Cameron lands with the shifting allegiances of the times and the continued feud with the MacIntoshes.

The Rise of the Gordon Clan

The power of the Earl of Huntly was intrinsically linked to the ascendancy of the Gordon clan. The Gordons, originally from the Borders, had risen to prominence in the Northeast of Scotland, acquiring vast lands and influence. By the 16th century, the Earl of Huntly, as chief of the Gordon clan, had become the most opulent peer in Scotland, with his stronghold at Strathbogie, known for its palatial grandeur.

A Master of the Political Game

Huntly’s political acumen was evident in his ability to navigate the complex and often dangerous waters of Scottish feudal politics. He was a man of vast experience, not only in matters of state but also in international diplomacy, having been a prisoner at Pinkie Cleugh and later escaping from an English jailor in a daring and cleverly executed plan.

The Northern Stronghold

Huntly’s dominion in the North was not just a matter of land and titles. He wielded a kind of authority and influence that was almost royal in its scope. His alliances with other powerful Northern nobles such as the Earls of Erroll, Sutherland, and Lovat further solidified his position. His statement that he could restore the mass in three counties was not an idle boast but a testament to his sway over the region.

A Controversial Figure

Despite his power and influence, Huntly was a controversial figure. His loyalty was often questioned, and his political maneuvers were viewed with suspicion. He was accused of being duplicitous, playing both sides to maintain his power and position. This distrust stemmed from his ability to keep his options open, aligning himself with whichever faction seemed most advantageous at the time.

The Earl’s Legacy

The Earl of Huntly’s legacy in Scottish history is a complex one. He was a feudal lord of immense power, a political strategist of the first order, and a figure who managed to maintain his position in a time of great turmoil and change. His story reflects the broader narrative of Scotland in the late medieval period – a story of shifting alliances, political intrigue, and the relentless pursuit of power and influence.

In conclusion, the Earl of Huntly remains a fascinating character in Scottish history. His life and times offer a window into the feudal system of Scotland, where power was often balanced on the edge of a sword, and allegiances were as changeable as the northern winds. His dominion over the North left an indelible mark on the history of Scotland, a testament to the era of the feudal barons and their lasting impact on the nation’s historical landscape.

Adapted from: Skelton, J. (1887). Maitland of Lethington and the Scotland of Mary Stuart: A history (Vol. 1). William Blackwood and Sons.